Monday, 18 May 2015

Oracle's datapump between host and guestVM

Refers to train.oracle12.migration  
The Problem
You want to load data from your host database into your VM database. Instead of theoretical instruction I will show you an example.
click on the pictures to enlarge

Export a user from a host database
On the host exists a 12c database INMEM with the well known EXAMPLE tablespace. I want to export the user OE (Order Entries) and import it into the pluggable database PDB1 inside the guestVM.

Use this parfile inmemexp.par

directory = DATA_PUMP_DIR
logfile = oeexp.log
dumpfile = oeexp.dmp
schemas = oe
exclude = statistics

export like that:

expdp system@inmem parfile=inmemexp.par

Copy the oeexp.dmp into the shared folder /develop

Import it into the guestVM PDB1
/develop is mounted as 
none on /develop type vboxsf (rw,nodev,relatime)

Type vboxsf is unknown to Datapump. Hence we create in the PDB1 a directory COMMON as '/u01/app/oracle/oradata' and copy the dumpfile to this directory. We write our inmemimp.par

directory = common
logfile = oeimp.log
dumpfile = oeexp.dmp

Call datapump inside the guestVM like that:
impdp system/vagrant@pdb1 parfile=inmemimp.par

The user OE and the tablespace EXAMPLE do not exist in the PDB1. No problem: datapump is so clever to create the user and remap the target tablespace to USERS.

Control the success
by a script or using EM Express resp. SqlDeveloper.

a) the script
SYS@CDB1>alter session set container = pdb1;
Session altered.
SYS@CDB1>col owner for a6
SYS@CDB1>col table_name for a36
SYS@CDB1>col created for a12
SYS@CDB1>set echo on
SYS@CDB1>select ao.owner, TABLESPACE_NAME, table_name,
2 to_char(created, 'DD.MM.YY HH24:MI'), num_rows
3 from all_tables at, all_objects ao
5 and object_type = 'TABLE'
6 and table_name = object_name;

b) using EM Express

This shows the workload:

and the Load Average

and the load of the container PDB1

c) using SQLDeveloper

This shows the objects of the newly created user OE

and some metadata of the biggest table

and the data itself.

Datapump between host and guest VM is straightforward when your are familiar with Oracle tools. Now you can test the new optimizer.

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