Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Google donates 25.000 laptops to refugees in Germany

Changing the world through the power of technology and collaboration - this  is the way which I admire and support - see Net Hope. One recent project is called Project Reconnect. By now, the description is only in German, an English version does not seem to be available, so translate it with your browser or alike programs.

I am a German IT Consultant and appreciate very, very much what NetHope and Google do for my country. I repeat: they do it for my country. Important German organizations - governamental, technical, social, educational  - have already joined in - see Presentation in Berlin .

My foreign readers might not be aware of the impact of this sort of projects. That's why I would like to point out to what the Swedish author Lisa Bjurwald, a keen expert on rightist extremism, calls Europe's Shame. No doubt, rightist extremism was and is not typically German, but in the eyes of extremists, Germany was and still is Europe's Achilles' Heel. German rightist groups actually call up for xenophobic demonstration in 14 European countries.

If my country will collapse under the pressure of strong rightist movements, which arouse hatred against refugees and daily commit acts of violence against them, then that will definitely be the intended end of the EU in it's actual form - with disastrous economic, social and political consequences.

Chancellor Merkel's dictum "We make it!" has always been the target of sneaky attacks, partially form her own party resp. government coalition. My friends and I feel, that we should enhance the dictum to "We must make it or we will break down!" The Project Reconnect is  of great value for my country and for Europe as well.

1 comment:

Marcel Körtgen said...

I cannot appreciate Google's engagement enough. This helps!